The Trust
The Trust is responsible for the Wadenhoe Estate in East Northamptonshire comprising the majority of the village of Wadenhoe, 200 acres of farm land and 224 acres of woodland let to the Forestry Commission. The Trust owns the freeholds of The Kings Head public house, 30 houses, offices and a barn used as a tea shop.
The Trust’s Objectives
- To preserve the village properties as an entirety as part of the national heritage.
- To conserve, maintain and improve for the public benefit the architectural and aesthetic quality of the village properties.
- To conserve and enhance for the public benefit the natural beauty of the village surrounding.
- To advance the education of the public in the architectural and aesthetic merits of the village and the desirability of preserving the village and villages of a similar character for the benefit of the nation.
- To preserve and to encourage the study and dissemination of the knowledge of the archaeological sites and the indigenous flora and fauna to be found in the village and its surroundings.
Its strategic aims are and will continue to be, within the resources at our disposal, to act in accordance with as many as possible of the trust’s objectives.

We will continue to manage the assets which were transferred to us by the settlors in a way which is in accordance with the above objectives, but also earns a reasonable return. The purpose of earning that return is to provide funds to enable us to pursue specific goals which help us to fulfil those objectives.
The Trustees and Constitution
The stewardship of The Wadenhoe Estate is entrusted to seven independent, unpaid Trustees. The Estate Manger, Mr Paul Goldsmith, oversees day-to-day operational and administrative matters.
The Trust became a Private Limited Company by Guarantee on 6 May 2022, registration number 14090642. The Trust is a Registered Charity, number 1199151.

The Trust History
The Wadenhoe Trust was created on 27 January 1981 out of the Wadenhoe Estate of East Northamptonshire. The Trust comprises the majority of the village of Wadenhoe, 200 acres of farm land and 224 acres of woodland let to the Forestry Commission. The Trust owns the freeholds of The Kings Head public house, 30 houses, offices and a barn used as a tea shop.
In 1988 the Trustees tackled their first major project when redundant buildings in the Home Farm yard were converted into 4 business units with one flat ‘over the shop’. The project was designed by John Wythe and was highly commended in the Rural Enterprise category of the 1992 Northamptonshire Business Environment Award Scheme for its contribution towards the business environment of Northamptonshire.
The second project was for social housing, in a rebuild of the Glebe Farm buildings leased by the Trust to a housing association for 125 years. The conversion was completed in 1993.

In subsequent years the Trust has undertaken projects and has continued to improve its existing stock of residential and commercial properties. In 2008 Mrs Ward Hunt bequeathed Dovecote House to the Trust and this property has been refurbished and let.